
Y’all! Let’s bring some winter cheer up in here!

Who doesn’t need a good laugh every now and then? We thought it would be fun to share our favorite content with each other while driving traffic to the new CASTAFF website…heck, we may even share it at the next Development Day! Post your favorite funny, heart-warming, inspirational pictures, videos, apps, info, etc. here so we can all lift each other up this winter season. Respond with your G-rated, work-appropriate input by leaving a comment below this post. Here, I’ll start us off…

This YouTube video always makes me giggle… and I’m not even a cat person..

Have fun and keep it clean, positive, uplifting!!

Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of UNR/CASAT. Opinions expressed are solely of the poster and do not express the views or opinions of the employer.

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