New Look for Staff Announcements
The Staff Announcements feature is back up and running on staff.casat.org! You will submit your announcement the same way as before, but here’s what’s new:
- Blog posts will now come straight to your email, in their entirety, in the form of this fun email template that Shannon created. Thank you, Shannon!
- The email for your post will NOT go out immediately after creating the post. Emails will be sent daily at 10am, 1pm, and 4pm.
- In order to see pictures and post author you will still need to navigate to the post on the website.
- We are using Mailchimp now to send out these emails. There may be some growing pains as we start using this new feature and get it dialed in. Thanks for your patience!
Happy posting! And please do post away – it will help us test the new system.