
Run/Walk or Volunteer for NRAP’s 3rd Annual R5k and Recovery Celebration

Posted By: Jamie Bartlett

NRAP is hosting their 3rd annual R5k Run/Walk & Recovery Celebration on September 30th at Idlewild Park, and we’d love for you to bring your friends and family and join us! All of the information can be found at NRAP R5k.

Besides the run/walk, this year we will have face painting, lawn games, live music, yoga , and special guest speaker KTVN Reno’s Jeff Martinez.

Here are some ways you can help support NRAP and the R5k:

  • Running the 5k
  • Sponsor a runner in recovery
  • Volunteer at the event. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a044eada92cabff2-nrap1#/
  • Come to the celebration to enjoy food, yoga, and other adventures
  • Share the event with your contacts to spread the word!

