
Morgan Green

Project Coordinator
(775) 784-6265


Job Description

I am assisting with the State Targeted Response Grant. Within the grant I am facilitating Naloxone and Overdose Education to communities throughout the state of Nevada, working with community partners to develop distribution centers, and helping develop programs to reach high risk individuals for opioid overdose. Additionally I am assisting with the technical assistance for new Assertive Community Treatment teams and Integrated Opioid Treatment Recovery Service providers.

Years At CASAT / Positions Held

I joined the CASAT team April 2018.

Work History

I have worked in the field of substance abuse treatment for the past 10 as both a counselor and administrator. I have been an instructor at Western Nevada College for the past 8 years teaching sociology and criminal justice.

Personal Bio

When I’m not attending one of my nephews or niece’s events you can often find me buried in a book and/or enjoying Starbucks somewhere across town.