Alyssa O'Hair headshot

Alyssa O’Hair

Senior Project Manager
(775) 682-6315


Job Description

My role is to implement the Pacific Southwest PTTC’s scope of work through project management, developing and delivering various trainings and technical assistance services, developing resources, communicating with SAMHSA, partnering with the NCO and other PTTCs, our region’s ATTC and MHTTC, and strengthening relationships with all of our other partners within and outside our region.

Years At CASAT / Positions Held

I’ve worked at CASAT for almost 12 years. I started as the Associate Director for the West CAPT, transitioned to Regional Director for the CAPT West Resource Team (when it became a national center and CASAT had a subagreement to continue serving the West), and am now working on the Pacific Southwest PTTC.

Work History

Before I came to CASAT, I worked as a program evaluator for both a small, woman-owned small business and for UNR’s Center for Program Evaluation. I served as the main evaluator for a number of education and public health-related programs. For example, I evaluated several rural Nevada coalition State Incentive Grants (pre-SPF!), a CDC grant to prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes among African Americans in Clark County, local and statewide K-12 parent involvement initiatives, statewide WIC nutrition education initiatives, and multi-state WIC nutrition education initiatives. All of this work was conducted using an approach known as “partnership evaluation,” which is a mix of utilization-focused, empowerment, and collaborative evaluation.

Personal Bio

When work is not completely overwhelming me, I love to cook, bake, read, hike, exercise, and watch movies. I wish I was talented in the areas of arts and crafts, but I am truly a “pinterest-fail” kind of person. 🙂 I grew up in Nebraska, so I live for college football in the fall–Go Big Red! If you talk to me for more than about 3 minutes, you will know that I have an adorable daughter (and a wonderful husband, but she is more fun to talk about).

Grants I Work On

I direct the Pacific Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) and provide minimal support to the Northwest PTTC.