Opioid Town Hall

Sorry for all the posts today and sorry for the bad pic, but did any of you catch Morgan on the News4 Opioid Town Hall last night talking about the Opioid STR project and all of the wonderful resources that CASAT is partnering on with the State and other community agencies? I was very proud to watch her represent CASAT ! #sorrynotsorry#proudofourteam


Feeling inspired by the great work Daniel and Heather are doing on campus to #protectourpack

Planetarium Lunch and Learn

the Planetarium! What a fun way to spend today's lunch and learn! Thanks to the committee for organizing this.

Project Echo Training

What a blessing to be a part of the team to implement Project ECHO Behavioral Health via CASAT. Here is a snapshot of our 3 day immersion training cohort.

S’MORES Today at 3pm!

the Media Team is excited about Summer! Come join us for s'mores on the back grass today at 3pm!

Happy Summer

It finally feels like Summer! Reminder to take breaks from your office, walk and enjoy the fresh air when you can.

UNR corporate rate at Whitney Peak

Hello All, the Whitney Peak Hotel generously extended our corporate rate for 2018 which is a heavily discounted room rate that can be used for staff, colleagues, partners, and visitors throughout 2018. Please find a flyer with details attached as well as contact information below. Here are our contacts at Whitney Peak: Kelsey Bridges kbridges@WhitneyPeakHotel.com – Business Administrative Assistant (Reservations) Andy Bomberger abomberger@WhitneyPeakHotel.com - Corporate and Catering Manager (UNR Corp. Rate and Catering events with less than 10 rooms) Kristina Ovies kovies@WhitneyPeakHotel.com- National Group Sales Manager (Meetings and Events with room blocks of 10 or more) Happy Thursday!