How to Obtain and Use a Digital Signature
Picture of Signature
- Sign a white piece of paper with a back or blue pen. Try to make it pretty dark.
- Take a picture of the signature
- Text the picture to Alice (775-232-3661) or email to
- I will send you a cleaned up version.
- Save new image somewhere on computer or drive
Placing Signature in PDF Document
- Open PDF in Acrobat Pro
- On right side toolbar, choose Edit PDF
- On top toolbar, choose Add Image
- Using finder, navigate to where your image is saved and select it
- Place image in document, resize and move as needed
- Once image is in place, choose Close in upper right corner
- Save document.
- You're done.
Connecting to UNR Remote Desktop and CASAT I: Drive
Accessing UNR remote desktop
Below are the UNR remote desktop instructions for connected from Windows or Mac
Below is my instructions for the same, check step 5 for how to connect to the I: Drive from the remote desktop
To use UNR Zoom accounts
Academic Faculty
UNR Academic faculty should access zoom through Canvas. If you sign into Canvas you should have a new class listed in your 'Courses' that reviews how to access Zoom through Canvas, remote learning best practices, and other remote tools and tips.
Administrative Faculty
Admin faculty needing zoom access, not related to UNR classes can access zoom directly and login through 'SSO' using their NetID's. These accounts should be used for meetings, for Webinars its prefered to use the CASAT accounts with the Webinar 'add-on'. Instructions below:
Please note you have to download the desktop app for these instructions, they will not work to directly login on the website.
Logging on to Zoom with UNR SSO:
Zoom usage and etiquette:
MS Teams should be on everybody's computers who works on campus, this is the best tool to use to contact non-casat UNR staff. This is the tool that replaced Skype, and is officially supported by UNR.
Google Hangouts can be used to start 1on1 and group chats and can also host video chats. Should be used to contact with other CASAT staff. This is the chat that you can access right from your emails.
Web Storage
Box is the officially supported remote storage option from UNR. You can get access using your UNR NetID by following the directions here:
Google Team Drives
If you would prefer to use your email to access files you can use Google's Team Drive service. Team Drives work a bit differently than just using the google drive. Team Drives are storage spaces than can be set to different levels of sharing by user. Most importantly these drives will continue to exist even after your email account is gone. If you need a new Team Drive, or access to an existing one let me know and I can help you out.
UNR Resources and Remote Work Best Practices
Record Audio Using Powerpoint
Created by Dave Closson with the Mid America PTTC