Job Description
I am a part of the Certification team and conduct site visits for prevention and treatment agencies throughout Nevada to determine compliance with State certification standards. I also provide training and technical assistance to providers, addressing a range of topics including the foundations for substance use disorder treatment and clinical supervision. I am also a part of the State Opioid Response Grant Team and work as a Liaison for SOR grant recipients.
Years at CASAT/Positions Held
I have worked at CASAT since October 2019.
Work History
I have worked in the field of substance use disorder treatment since 2009 with experience in both clinical and administrative leadership roles. As a direct service provider I have experience in both the outpatient setting, as well as acute psychiatric residential hospital setting. Additionally, I have experience as a supervisor of counselor interns.
Personal Bio
I am very happily married for 13 years and we are doing our best to raise 2 darling sons who keep us constantly laughing and doing our best to live in the moment. I am an avid reader and proud member of Book of the Month. I am keen to provide unsolicited book recommendations to anyone and everyone who will listen. I am a cat lover, with 3 precious kitty cats. Disneyland is my favorite place, coffee is my favorite beverage, Dungeons and Dragons is my favorite game and the Vegas Golden Knights are my favorite sports team.
Grants I Work On
Certification and SOR