Job Description
My role at CASAT is to make sure that day-to-day general operations of the office run smoothly. I also manage the financial side of business making sure that expenditures are within our proposed budgets. I also make sure that employees’ salaries are covered by appropriate grants and that all other expenses are allowed by our awarded contracts. Such expenditures should ultimately lead us in meeting the requirements of our grants and contracts. I work closely with the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA) regarding proposals and awards
Years At CASAT / Positions Held
Shortly after I moved to the U.S. and after a brief stint as a Credit Clerk at Harrah’s Casino, I had the good fortune of landing a job at CASAT in 2004 as an Administrative Assistant I manning the front desk and helping out wherever I can. After a year, I moved up to Administrative Assistant III. then in 2007, I was promoted to Administrative Assistant IV. In 2009, I moved to an Administrative Faculty position, the Training, Operations and Logistics Coordinator. After the retirement of the Director for Training, Operations, Logistics and Technology in 2013, I assumed the new position of Operations and Finance Manager.
Work History
Prior to coming to the U.S., my work in the Philippines, where I was born and raised, mainly involved exhibits and conferences. I was a Technical Assistant for the Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions (CITEM) under the government’s Department of Trade and Industry. CITEM organizes international exhibits which enabled me to travel abroad as a coordinator for participating Filipino manufacturers offering Philippine-made products. After CITEM, I worked for an entity funded by USAID whose main purpose is to promote agricultural products and processes to and from the Philippines by organizing an international fair called Agrilink that is participated in by foreign companies aside from local ones.
Personal Bio
Shortly after I moved to the U.S. and after a brief stint as a Credit Clerk at Harrah’s Casino, I had the good fortune of landing a job at CASAT in 2004 as an Administrative Assistant and going up the ranks – AAI, AAIII and AAIV. – within 5 years. In 2009, I moved to an Administrative Faculty position – Training, Operations and Logistics Coordinator. After the retirement of the Director for Training, Operations, Logistics and Technology in 2013, I assumed the new position of Operations and Finance Manager taking over most of her tasks
Grants I Work On
CAPT, Mountain Plains FASD, Nevada Suicide Prevention Conference, Nevada Teach SBIRT, NPRC, SAPTA Training, CASAT Training, PRSS, NVAADAPTS, DD-CAT, Nevadaworks, NV RAVS, NFAR ATTC, Northwest ATTC, Region 8 Central Rockies ATTC,Region 9 Pacific Southwest ATTC, Problem Gambling Prevention Project, Utah Fall Conference, WA DBHR COD Conference, WA DBHR Prevention Summit Conference, WA DBHR Spring Youth Forum, WA DBHR SIOL Conference, NASADAD NPN Conference, NRAP,