
Clarissa Lam Yuen

Associate Project Coordinator
(775) 682-8562


Job Description

Clarissa Lam Yuen, MSW is the Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Coordinator for the Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT). In this role, she is responsible for coordinating events, training, and technical assistance activities related to the CAPT West Resource Team‰’s (WRT) project work. Additionally, she works with WRT team members to develop and revise training materials with particular attention to instructional design and utilization of technology to further learning objectives.

Years At CASAT / Positions Held

Clarissa joined the CAPT team as a part-time employee in June 2016. As of December 1, 2016, she transitioned to a full-time position as the CAPT WRT‰’s T/TA Coordinator.

Work History

  • 08/2014 – 05/2015 Graduate Social Work Intern, Mojave Mental Health, Reno, Nevada
  • 12/2013 – 10/2014 Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator, CAPT WRT, Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies, University of Nevada, Reno
  • 08/2012 – 05/2013 Undergraduate Social Work Intern, Division of Child and Family Services, Carson City, Nevada

Personal Bio

Love God. From Guam. Love scuba diving and snorkeling in Warm tropical waters. (Hawaii‰’s water is still too cold for me) Travel? Unplanned Adventure? Learning foreign languages? Film score? Delicious Food? Food photography? Food critic? ‰- All of the above – Always!!

Grants I Work On