
Kathy Gardner

NWPTTC Project Coordinator. Senior Coordinator Workforce Development
(775) 784-1357


Job Description

Senior Coordinator – Workforce Development coordinates trainings and technical assistance services for a regionally based Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC). PTTCs serve states, jurisdictions, tribes, community coalitions, and other non-governmental organizations. PTTCs build the capacity of the primary substance misuse prevention workforce to make data-informed decisions; select, implement, and evaluate evidence-based and promising programs and policies; and improve prevention practice and systems.

The Project Coordinator coordinates services for HHS Region 10 Northwest PTTC which serves Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The Project Coordinator leads the coordination of training and technical assistance services to build state, tribal, and community capacity to improve all aspects of prevention work. T/TA services are delivered virtually or in person. The Project Coordinator is also responsible for developing or managing the development of products and resources to support the substance misuse prevention workforce.

Years at CASAT/Positions Held

Arrived January 2023

Work History

A versatile, compassionate, and dependable Advanced Certified Prevention Specialist offering 15+ years’ experience as Drug Free Community Grant Manager, Project Manager for Partnership for Success Grant. Drug Free Community Grant Reviewer for the CDC, 2021 New England PTTC Fellowship recipient. SafeTalk Facilitator; Suicide Prevention, ASIST Trained, Community Outreach Coordinator, and Positive Community Norms Coordinator. Facilitator in both Media Ready and Strengthening Families evidenced based programs. Proficient in providing and arranging trainings, implementing substance abuse prevention programs with families and youth, developing local coalitions in communities, coordinating training, and supervising and mentoring staff members and young people who would like to explore the prevention field.

Personal Bio

Kathy is a Jeep loving adventurous gal. Being from the Ocean State, (Rhode Island) she spent many years as a child on the water in boats.

She has two amazing children, Hannah her first born has given her the first and only grandchild. Forrest, is almost 3 yrs old. Hannah and her husband Kevin live in Gladstone, Oregon. Her son, Ian is a true Rhode Islander and an Automotive Technician turned a very talented Cabinetmaker. Crafting seems to be in the family, Kathy enjoys felting, gardening and house decorating/renovations outside of her work hours.

After years of working in the small community in RI where she raised her children, she went back to school at 50 for her Bachelor’s, then at 56 for her Master’s in Prevention Science.

Traveling is her passion, she has been lucky enough to do most of it while working. The Hopi reservation was a highlight in her career, along with working with several tribes in Phoenix.

Kathy’s partner lives in Bend, Oregon, she said “its a good thing I enjoy my Jeep and the 6 hour drive through this part of the country.”

Grants I Work On