Mark Disselkoen

Senior Project Manager
(208) 220-2370


Job Description

Mark Disselkoen, is a Senior Project Manager at the Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (CASAT) at the University of Nevada, Reno and lives in Pocatello, Idaho.  He is an MSSW, LCSW and LCADC and has worked in the field of substance use and mental health treatment for over 25 years.  Mr. Disselkoen started work with CASAT in July of 2003.  He oversees certification and training/technical assistance contracts in Nevada and provides trainings for the Mountain Plains ATTC and NIDA Blending Initiatives throughout the west.  He provides trainings on Co-Occurring Treatment, DSM 5, Medication Assisted Treatment, Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives and Treatment Plan MATRS.  He as well works as the Team Leader on the Certified Community Behavioral Health Center SAMHSA project in Nevada, providing oversight, technical assistance and training to CCBHC’s statewide.  Mr. Disselkoen also assists with the Strategic Opioid Response project for the state of Nevada, including T.A. related to MAT and grants management of funded providers.

Years At CASAT / Positions Held

Mr. Disselkoen has worked at CASAT since July 2003.  He started as Certification Director overseeing certification for the state of Wyoming.  Mr. Disselkoen has been a Senior Project Manager since 2017.

Work History

Prior to coming to CASAT, Mr. Disselkoen worked for SAPTA as a Certification Specialist and then Prevention Program Supervisor.  Additionally, Mr. Disselkoen was the Executive Director SAPTA certified and funding agency in Las Vegas and was the Utilization Manager and staff clinician prior to this.

Personal Bio

I’ve been married to Heather Disselkoen since 1989 and have 3 children.  Family provides a steady foundation for my life and has humbled me and helps me grow as a person.  I enjoy playing guitar, snow skiing, camping, studying the bible and theology.  Treating others with respect and integrity is a goal I aspire to.

Grants I Work On

SAPTA Certification, CCBHC Project, SAPTA/CASAT Training, Mountain Plains ATTC